Wednesday, September 27, 2006

PJS, you might get a kick outta this.

It’s 2:30 am as I draft this but I have just woken up from a rather interesting dream. I dreamt of reading a blog post that you wrote. In reality, you didn’t write this post but believe me, for a few seconds after waking up, I was thinking how to respond to you. Understand that if I see a posting at the end of my night, I’ll quite often wait until the next day to post a response. So what I did wasn’t terribly out of the ordinary. The fact that I dreamt of a phantom blog post—of all things—and the fact that I was already forming a comment for it, is.

[Enter in the standard I-realize-this-is-not-you disclaimer.]

So basically, the post asked why anyone watched football. It was complete with many of the things that make your posts rather unique in comparison to the others I read. There were names and terms in bold, smart little side comments, and even a picture to some film that I have never even heard of but I’m sure rocked. Apparently, my subconscious also made up a little biographical information. Don’t ask me where it came from but for some reason, it moved you to your new childhood home of Colorado Springs where your father encouraged you to take up the sport.

Basically, I was tricked into believing that you wrote this and that you had 23 responses from people wondering the same thing. Weird how all that probably came from that comment you posted in the previous post. (I appreciate that BTW.)

Why I Watch Football

Correction: Why I watch college football.

I’ve never really been into sports. After giving T-ball a chance in elementary, I didn’t really care for busting my ass for people who constantly yell at me. Where’s the fun in that? Then it became an issue where I just plain sucked at it. I figured that out during junior high where I was always picked last when trying to pick up a game of basketball at the end of lunch. Football was a little too complicated for me to comprehend until I tried out for the football team. I realized that football definitely wasn’t for me, but I got the basics of it down to actually enjoy the game. It wasn’t until college, though, that I really went into it.

When I attended my first football game in Spartan Stadium, I was blown away. It was the most awesome thing I had ever been a part of. There simply was no comparison to high school. And when you pay over a hundred dollars for season tickets, you tend to go to all the games. When that happens, you begin to pick up on it.

I don’t claim to know a lot about football. I still can’t identify plays or even nail down all the player positions. But I suppose I appreciate the game for its plays. Watching the various plays (even though I don’t know them) unfold is a beautiful thing because of the risks and rewards. Will it work or will it not?

Now I have to say why I will watch football. There are only three sports that I consider worth my time watching on TV: college football, college basketball, and college hockey. The reason is simple. It’s action. The game is constantly moving. That is why I am tempted to ram the remote down my dad’s throat when he puts on golf. (Okay, maybe not that extreme) By now you’ve probably noticed that the sports I’ve listed all have “college” in front of it.

Truthfully, I’ve never attached myself to pro teams. Who would I choose the Detroit Lions or the Chicago Bears? There is one exception, I used to claim to be a Cubs fan but that was mainly for my grandfather. Baseball isn’t a sport I’ll watch on TV so I guess I really can’t say that now. Anyways, I chose to be a Spartan and so I will be cheering on Spartan teams whatever and wherever they may be. So now I look at college teams in general and try to gauge them against my team.

Sports still really aren’t my thing. MSU bringing me entertainment and nostalgia is.


PJS said...


I love it when dreams create such concrete memories. And thanks for the careful explanation of your football love.

Incidentally, I've never been to Colorado Springs - born and raised in Arizona.

David said...

Dang that was quick.

Yeah... I don't know where I pulled Colorado Springs from.

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