Thursday, September 07, 2006

No, no, no, NO! Oh, no.

My car died. Yesterday I took it to the service center to have it repaired, hoping that it was only a couple hundred dollars of damage. What a dream that was. Twenty-five hundred dollars! TWENTY-FIVE. I spent a little more than twice that for the damn car!

I got the call this morning and the service guy started rattling off everything that was wrong with it. To tell you the truth, I can't remember what he said--only what it would cost. I wanted to throw up. Where was I going to come up with that kind of cash? And then he did the recommended inspection, wheel balancing, etc. At that point I thought, "What the hell, what's a couple hundred dollars more?" So now, I have to decide whether to get a bank loan first or just put it on the credit card.

Now how's this for coincidence? My mom's car is currently being serviced as well. So she and I are fighting for my sister's car. We are driving each other around hoping that are schedules don't get into conflict. If you see either her or me around, don't come near us. Our seemingly bad luck just might rub off on you. *raspberry*


Anonymous said...

cars suck. i'm selling mine in a month.

Anonymous said...

hi buddy, hope you luck changes

--john from open a window.

P.S.--that new sign in thing made made it difficult for me to sign in regularly.

David said...

@Herb: If only I lived in a place with public transport, I'd give mine up as well. It's sad when most of the money you work for is for something that gets you to work.

@John. Yeah, sorry about that. Don't go to Beta Blogger. They've got a "few" issues including letting the alphas post comments.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that I didn't bring my car up to college with me then, huh?

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