Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day Survey

Taken from Herb's blog.

1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with?
I'm a virgin!

2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
navy-blue boxers

3. What is the song you want played at your funeral?
I don't want a funeral. Burn me and dump my ashes into Lake Michigan.

4. Would you tell your parents if you're gay?
At this point, no. But there's still time.

5. What would your last meal be before getting executed?
A tub full of lumpia

6. Beatles or Stones?
Oh, I don't know. I guess the Beatles.

7. If you had to pick one person on earth who should die who would you pick?
Kim Jung Il

8. Beer, wine or hard liquor?
Give me the liquor! I assume that getting drunk is the goal here?

9. Do you have any phobias?
Balloons. Can you believe it? It's crazy. The thought of popping balloons makes me want to scream my head off.

10. What are your plans for the future?
Go back to school, rack up even more debt, get a decent job, and hope it doesn't take too much longer.

11. No Question

12. Do you walk around the house naked?
No. Parents and all that. But maybe if I was by myself.

13. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?
Depends on the drinks. 5-6ish

14. Where is your best friend?
I don't know. But wherever he is, I hope that he is doing well.

15. Hair color you like on someone you're dating?
Blondish to light brown.

16. Would you rather be blind or deaf?

17. Do you have any special talents?
Yes. I can irritate the hell out of everyone I meet.

18. No Question

19. No Question

20. Favorite hateful thing to do to someone?
Enforce bureacracy.

21. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid?
An American Tale

22. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?
I take my shoes off.

23. No Question

24. Do you like horror or comedy?

26. Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?
Jon. God that turned out to be extremely awkward.

27. (Blank)

28. If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?
"Um, this survey was clearly made by a heterosexual- so I'll flip the question and say," none of your business.

29. Where do you want to live when you are old?
On the beach, somewhere warm. Florida or maybe Hawaii

30. Who is the person you can count on most?
I really can't say.

31. If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be?
I wouldn't. Celebrities are a-holes.

32. Where was your first kiss with your current significant other?
I don't have a significant other nor have I had a significant other.

33. Favorite drinking game?
Beer Pong, I guess. I've only played a drinking game once and Beer Pong was it.

34. What did you dream last night?
I don't remember what I dreamt of last night, so I will tell you the last dream I remembered. I was back in AFROTC and I was panicking because althought I wanted to be in the military, I didn't want to sign up and face those years having to be in the closet.

35. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Without a doubt-- college football distantly followed by college basetball.

36. (Blank)

37. What is your new obsession?
Pizza di Roma's pepperoni pizza

38. If you could take back one thing in your past, what would it be?
I don't know. I suppose I would have said, "no." To what--I'll have to keep silence on.

1. Last thing you bought? why is the survey renumbering?
A card.

2. Last person you argued with?
Tracee--my boss.

3. Do you put jelly on before putting the peanut butter on?
Nope. PB first and then jelly. I can tolerate PB bits in my jelly but can't tolerate jelly bits in my PB.

4. (Make your own question here.)

5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kids?
Tenderheart. (Yes, it was the carebear)

6. Did you ever own at one time a Barenaked Ladies CD?
Uh no, but I honestly did think about buying one.

7. Favorite day of the week?
Whichever day my day off comes. Otherwise, Saturday.

8. Favorite Sundae topping?
The Cherry

9. Did you take Piano lessons?
Nope. I'm not very musical. I just enjoy listening to it.

10. (Nada)

11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?
Shipwrecked. It's some lame ass reality show on BBC America.

12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?
Hockey. I'd have to practice my skating more though.

13. Date someone older or younger?
Older. Although, at this point, I'll take where I can get 'em.

14. One place you wish you could travel right now?

15. Do you use umbrellas?
Oddly enough, I never used umbrellas until I went to the Philippines. Now, I do.

16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?
No. Aside from the first stanza, I don't even know all the words to my national anthem.

17. Favorite Cheese?
Provolone. It melts perfectly.

18. (gone)

19. Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes?
I go for both.

20. Best job you ever had?
So far it has to be dish at Sny-Phi. We had some fun there.

21. Did you go to your high school prom?
I did, but I prefered my junior year prom more then senior year.

22. Perfect time to wake up?

23. Perfect time to go to bed?

24. Do you use your queen right away in chess?
Nope. She's actually one of the last pieces I use. Not that I've played chess many times.

25. Ever been in a car accident?
Oh yeah.

26. Closer to mom or dad or neither?
I'd have to go with my dad but I'm not saying that we are close.

28. What decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
Definately the 90's. I can't imagine living an earlier.

29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned?
My combat boots.

30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school? Quite a bit of 'em actually.

31. Were you in track and field?
Field. I did shotput and discus.

32. Were you ever in a school talent show?
Nope. I don't think we ever held one.

33. Have you ever written in a library book?
Yes but it was to place markers when I wanted to pull quotes.

34. Allergic to?

35. Favorite fruit?
Blueberries (which are in season!)

36. Have you watched Sex and The City?

38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?

40. Pen or pencil?

41. Have you ever gambled at a casino?
Only once. I spent a couple dollars in a slot machine.

42. Have you thrown up on a plane?
No. I love flying.

43. Have you thrown up in a car?
I think when I was very young I did.

46. Who was your first prom date?

47. Who was your first roommate?
Peter. Thank God he moved out.

48. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time?

49. What was your first job?
My first real job was bitch boy at the local K-mart.

50. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?
Germany, although I'm sure there wasn't a direct flight from Las Vegas so I suppose if you want to get to technical, I think it was Chicago.

51. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
I never snuck out. I just walked out the front door.

57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house?
056 Phillips Hall, MSU.

59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen? It hasn't happened. *sigh*

60. First tattoo or piercing?
Yech. I don't have any. I hate pain and I'm too fickle to have anything permanent on my body.


Anonymous said...

Did you see the Maury where they had the woman deal with her fear of balloons?

David said...

No but I don't think I would be comfortable watching it. lol. What did they make her do? That party game where you have to pop as many as possible? 'Cause I think that's what screwed me up back when I was five or six.

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