Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Is it gourmet chocolate?

M&M prices went up again!

Hey, I work at a candy store so I don’t have that many exciting things to talk about! ;-P

If you want to buy Colorworks M&M’s it will cost you $9.99 a pound. For you British readers that’s £11.63 per kilo. (I hope I calculated that correctly.) That translates to 1.4¢ a piece! That picture you see above of seven pieces is 0.01lb which when rung up, will cost you 10¢. Yup, if you’ve got a dime, I’ve got seven whole M&M’s for you!

What a rip off.


John Provis said...

Dude - you guys get ripped off! You can get them for AUS$5.90 (about US$4 at the moment) per 500g (more than a pound) here... maybe I could set up a lucrative import business and undercut the US prices?

john said...

Oh but M&M's are soooo yummy.

David said...

John P.: Yeah, it's crazy. We get the stuff directly from M&M, you would think it would be cheap as water.

John: I need to send you some Swiss chocolate. You would change that tune so fast...

Minge said...

Boycott them! Take Galaxy Minstrels instead!

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