Two New Adds and One Appeal

I suppose it's about time that I modified my bloglist. Two have been booted and two have been added. I'm in the same boats as Season and John so I thought they would be at the top of my add priority.

Jacksonville, Florida...umm yeah I want to be there! While Jacksonville, FL may not be the first place I'd like to get a job and live, I definitely want to get out of where I am currently. If you're looking to hire, check out Season.

John's Open a Window has been more raw than my other blog has ever been. It's sort of odd reading posts that could have been your own. We're traveling down similar paths and hopefully, someday, we'll stand completely on the other side of the closet door.

Finally, I'm beginning to miss one of my blog buddies. Hey Kate, are you on vacation again?! Let's see an update, eh?

UPDATE 13 July 2006 2354:

I guess I have one more reader than I thought. Adding Robert from little voice, a former Michigander now in Chicago. One of the few bloggers that I enjoy as an info source on the performing arts.


john said…
I'm so happy to have met someone who can completely relate to me. I know that the other bloggers out there also have relevant experiences and journeys. I'm glad to have made a friend along this journey.
Bob said…
I suppose I have been booted? Me??? :-)
David said…
John: I hope you take what I am about to say in the spirit it was intended. I'm glad that I've come across your site because I actually feel like I can relate to you a little more than some of the other bloggers out there. It doesn't feel so lonely. Not that I want anyone in a similar position as mine. It looks like you have a great following on your blog and we are all wishing you the best. :)

Robert: I haven't booted you. You were never listed in the first place, silly! :-P

Honestly, I didn't even know you were still keeping tabs on me. Glad to see you here though.

Tell you what, since I've listed you on the other blog and since you were kind enough to follow me to this one, I'll plug ya in the sidebar.
Brian Farrey said…
I have an asterisk. Does that mean I'm on probation? Or a blogstar? Or singled out for ridicule?

I'm incredibly paranoid, dude, TELL ME WHAT IT MEANS!!
David said…
^Nah, the asterisk indicates that the blog has recently been updated.

Blog Star... hah! j/k.
Bob said…
you are sweet and dear. Thanks for the add! Glad to find this new blog of yours.

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