A little higher next time.

<--See Also: Eggs Anyone?

As always, clicking on the pictures will make them somewhat larger.

As predicted, the chicks did not survive. The other morning, we found that the nest had been tipped onto its side and the chicks were no longer there. We think that one of the three stray cats in the area may have killed them.


Brian Farrey said…
Dude, you got dead birdies on your blog. That's disturbing.
David said…
If my mom has her way, you might be seeing a dead cat before too long. She's pretty steamed that her birds were messed with.
Anonymous said…
Maybe a dead squirrel would be a nice addition too? Laurie went nuts when there was a "mean squirrel" terrorizing the birds and the "nice squirrel mommy". Ooooh...maybe a dead animal of the week portion on the site.
David said…
^Ah no squirrels around here. Living on an animal farm, I would have thought she'd have a thicker skin! :P
Anonymous said…
Compassion is not a weakness!!

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