Thursday, February 02, 2006

More Home Improvement

Demolition of the kitchen floor started yesterday. Mom has been itching to redo the kitchen. She's already revarnished the cabinets and painted the wall. Now she wants to put down new flooring. If I remember right, it's some type of light colored wood. An oak maybe? I'm afraid I don't know my woods. [Sigh] It's going to be a long few weeks. Oh yeah, I've been "volunteered" to help. Go me!


Luke said...

Anything to replace that icky looking linoleum!

Anonymous said...

YES! Finally! I had hoped that mom would get you guys to start on that soon! ^__^ Heh, thanks Luke, I'm glad that someone else agrees with me XD

David said...

Yeah, it was about time to replace the floor. Next up: The olive-green counters, the in-the-wall stove, faux brick wall, and the dishwasher.

Kris, you're just happy that you're not here for it :P

Anonymous said...

Heheh, maybe ^_-. I'm really glad that it's getting done though; hopefully it'll be finished by the time I come home. Nah, you know I like the whole home improvement DIY thing. You know... my theory about the dishwasher is that dad actually turned off the water lines to it, forcing us to wash by hand... 0.o

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