Friday, February 03, 2006

Just turn the page, will ya?

The crap that we get worked up about is simply amazing at times. These past couple of days two cartoons were published. The American infuriating the conservatives/Bush supporters. The other from Denmark, infuriating Muslims. Both tasteless and completely offensive. Neither deserves the reaction that is occurring.

When the whole U.S. cartoon came up, I was going to blog about it but this issue had been taken up before and I wasn't really interested in rehashing it. Basically my position is let these newspapers publish this crap. If it drives away some of their customers, so much the better for the competitors. If it attracts new ones, then that's fine too. Even though I still go through the liiiibbeerralll meedia for some of my news, perhaps a few more of these antics will push me completely over to Fox News and the like. Isn't it great that in this country, you can get what you want to hear?

Then there is this one from Denmark and being reprinted in other European newspapers. It has sparked outrage and protests all over the Muslim world and in Europe. If you don't know, it is.... "inappropriate" to make an image of Allah or the Prophet Muhammad. It's getting violent. There were signs at one protest with sayings such as, "Europe, You will pay. Your 9/11 is on its way" and "Exterminate those who slander Islam." In one protest, I heard "USA Go to Hell." The damn thing is from Denmark and they blame us? Everything traces back to the "Great Satan" I guess.

Free speech. This is about free speech isn't it? In some interviews, some Muslims were saying that free speech doesn't mean that you can insult other people's religion. Maybe not in their world, but here in America it does. You don't have the right to not be insulted. Now I am hearing that the U.S. Administration is taking sides with these outraged Muslims saying that it is "unacceptable." Excuse me, but why is our government getting involved with this? Probably to make us look better in the Middle East. It's not going to work, our capital of good will with them is shot. Not only that, but it is advocating a certain sensibility. That goes against having a diversity of opinion.

So to the squawking conservatives and Muslims out there: YOU ARE A BUNCH OF MORONS. They're fucking stupid cartoons! Oh, did I offend you? Good.

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