Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A couple changes to the blog

It has been a while since I've adjusted the blogroll. Unfortunately I had to take a couple off. One that I particularly liked, National Guard Tanker in Iraq, has quit posting. It's not surprising since he has been back from Iraq for a few months now. In one of his emails to me, he said that he was thinking about going into politics and maybe even elected office. If I lived in his district in New York, I'd vote for him. Best wishes to him.

In Guard's place, I have put in Sean's Tour in Iraq. I came across it accidentally a few days ago and it looked like a good one. Sean is a JAG officer from Indy, but if you want the details, you're going to have to check out his blog.

I was trying to change the template of the blog but it horribly backfired. For now, it's going to stay the way it is but there may be some changes on the side bar with new links. Anyone who has suggestions (and instructions), I'll gladly read them.

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