Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I have to get this in

Sorry to everyone who has stopped by here in the last couple of days only to see the same things over and over. I usually mean to post at least every other day but things lately have kept me from wanting to sit down and type. Although they are not my problems directly, there have been some events that are tugging at me. I'd go into it more, but there are privacy issues with my family and friends. Let me just say that I am worried about all of them while at the same time I am trying to crawl through a set of my own. Hopefully, the holiday season will brighten me up a little.

Even though this year is a non-election year, there were some interesting things on the ballot. Voters nixed a millage increase that would have provided more funds to Southwestern Michigan College. I'd say it was a pretty close vote. But it doesn't really matter to me as I live outside the district, am registered to vote in another part of the state, and do not plan to attend SMC. SMC, however will get their money. So to all those local students out there: Save your money because your tuition is going to get a significant hike. Also Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick won reelection. Lastly, it appears that State Senator Virg Bernero will become Lansing's new mayor. I've met Virg before and I have to admit, he is a sly politician but why would a state senator want to give up his seat to be mayor of Lansing? Governor Granholm has to decide whether to hold a special election for the senate seat that will be vacated.

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Went back to Windows

See also: "Going back to Windows?" It didn't take me long to pounce on a discount for the Surface Laptop 7. What did I get for...