Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A letter to the editor

I was reading through the South Bend Tribune (18 Oct. edition) and saw a letter in the Opinion Section that I just wanted to share. After I was done with it, I shook my head, relieved that people like her are not in power. We may have a bunch of snakes in office but at least they aren't this ignorant.
Start Over

When did violence ever solve conflict? At best it is like a slap, which forces the underdog to give up, temporarily. America has given aid to all the countries that it destroyed in World War II. That money could have been better spent helping the elderly survive a winter's cold.

If the United States demonstrated that it had no enemies, and instead developed international colleagues, respecting their traditional ways and religions, we might evolve the planet. Everywhere I have traveled, people are all the same. It is the conspiracy of politics to concoct an "us" against "them" concept.

Why is Cindy Sheehan's drive for peace so emotionally moving? President George W. Bush doesn't respect her loss, and families who mourn the losses of their precious children are kicked aside. I think he doesn't know what to say. Or is he ashamed?

I don't want to berate the presidency; I want to be proud again of being an American. Corruption in business and government is embarrassing. How could we make it right? Redistribution of the wealth would be a good start. If we all lose everything, by disasters and nuclear weapons, we will have to start all over again anyway, if survival is still an option.

Marie Lynch
South Bend

1.) How can you realistically argue for the redistribution of wealth when at the same time you suggest that America shouldn't have helped the former Axis countries after WWII? It was recovery programs such as the Marshall Plan that kick-started (West) Germany's growth into the economic powerhouse of Europe. Apparently former enemies aren't good enough for American assistance.

2.) The United States has enemies. It has had them ever since the colonies were charted. Snap back into reality. You can't go through life pretending that everyone doesn't hate you or work against your interest. The fact that America is the lone super power in the world only heightens the threats to it. Everyone wants to be king of the hill. Yeah, that may sound conceited but deep down you know its true. You think China wants to remain a third rate power?

3.) You say everyone is the same and yet at the same time we (the U.S.) is supposed to respect their differences. I don't see how you can claim to travel and actually make that claim. Sure, fundamentally, every person on the planet is "the same." But those cultures and beliefs do come into conflict. It's not just us conflicting with them. It's also them conflicting with others.

4.) "It is the conspiracy of politics to concoct an 'us' against 'them' concept." Not at all. The real heart of the matter is that that people are motivated by self-interest. If the United States can get what it wants by allying herself with another she will do it. American foreign policy is not always zero-sum.

5.) Admit it. You want to "berate" as much as you can.

6.) My God, are you actually suggesting that we "start over?" Are we going to reduce everyone to a common denominator? Are you going to confiscate all private property so that it can be redistributed? Tell you what... you take the first step and give me some of your wealth because I'm willing to bet that the value of my assets are a helluva lot lower than yours. Let's even the playing field!


Anonymous said...

You should write a reply to that op piece. I'd love to see that. I'd write my own say in response to that, but you do it better than me.

Anonymous said...

Nicely put. I really have nothing to add. You're so much more concise than me.

Anonymous said...

I kinda agree w/ her a bit. . .but I'm not all politically all-knowing and RARELY pay attention to the news. . .I'm just a bit of a liberal, lol.

David said...

Anon: Don't worry about being a big 'ol lib. Most of my friends are liberals. One of them Kacey... geeze... sometimes I just want to pound some sense into her sometimes. lol.

But hey the world needs idealists. Keeps us realists on our toes.

;) Thanks for the comment!

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