Stop the madness!

I just got an email back from an old high school friend who I haven't heard from in quite a while. In the middle of her email she casually tells me that she's getting married. [Throws up hands] Okay, I give up. I'm too damn young to be feeling this freaking old! People are getting married left and right and it's driving me insane. I'm putting my foot down. No more of you are to get married until I do!


Anonymous said…
Dude...that's quite an ultimatum. Personally I didn't have much choice in the matter and nor will I ever. I have a feeling neither one of us could talk her into following this deadline of yours. If you think you stand a chance...PLEASE DO!!!!

-Laurie's Kept Man
Anonymous said…
I'm just a little worried that you're calling me an old high school friend. I'm really not that old. LOL

Anonymous said…
Whoa! Yay! congratulations Laurie!! ^____^ This is Dave's sister by the way :)

Dave... come on... you're the one who said you never wanted to get married :P. Or perhaps things have changed over the last many years...? *wants to be an Aunt some day*
Anonymous said…
Congrats Laurie!!!! Don't worry Davie...remember marriage is a lifetime commitment! Right now the only person you have to worry about is yourself and to me thats a great feeling!!! You have plenty of time to be misreable! LOL....not that you'll be misreable Laurie ;)
David said…
Anon: Trust me, Laurie would never be able to wait as long as I will. So it's probably best that you don't wait up for me. In all seriousness, you're fortunate.

Laurie: You are old. As I recall you were actually my math teacher... which means you must've been older than a high schooler (me) by at least 6 years.

Kris: Pop out your own kids. I'm not having them for your benifit ;P

Season: It's about time you made a comment you lurker! lol

Holy crap, Kate, blogger maths actually worked this time.
LBH said…
Yes, indeed! Blogger maths rules! :)
As for getting married: Erk, what a scary thought!

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