Friday, July 29, 2005

Girl gets a ring around her ass.

We're going to take a scenic route to what I'm blogging about.

I hate using the public restrooms. Hate it. It probably stems from my time over in the Philippines. Over there, the CR's (comfort rooms) are absolutely disgusting. You think you have it bad here in the States? No so, buddy. At the elementary school I went to, there was a little shack divided into two. One for the girls and one for the boys. There were two toilets. One in the boys. One in the girls. These toilets had no seats. There also was no toilet paper. You cleaned yourself with a bucket of water. Also, there was no stall so all the other little boys or girls would see you as you tried to do your business. In addition to the toilets there was a stream that ran from a hole in the boy's side of the shack, through a hole in the partition, and into the girls side. The boys would pee into this stream which was carried over to the girls where they made their contribution.

No fucking way! I had just come from living in Key West, Florida where the bathrooms were tailored to the size of children. That's right, adults couldn't use our facilities unless they wanted to some how cramp their muscles. It was also clean! It was also stocked with toilet paper (okay, it was one-ply but still...) And sinks. And soaps! Pissing was all I could handle over there in the Phils. Nothing else. I refused. As a result. I learned to control my bodily functions till I got home. And when I went there again for study abroad, I saw that very little changed. I went to one of their top universities (University of the Philippines Los BaƱos), lived in their graduate dorms, and still had to contend with a restroom that had no toilet seat covers or hot water. I'm telling you, I bought my own toilet paper, perfected the hover technique and applied lysol disinfectant just incase it failed.

In general, I am no longer picky about using a public toilet. I just hate having to use one. So long as it looks clean and the person before me flushed, I'm pretty much set to go. That being said, I want those toilets cleaned all the time. I want the janitor to come through to hose that thing down, put it through a blow torch, spew radiation on it-- whatever needs to be done to kill those germs.

That brings us to this story. God bless the Denny's employee for making sure that the toilets were clean to use. But what the hell was he using? That must be some pretty strong stuff to make some woman get a chemical burn around her buttocks. Either that or she was on the pot for a while enjoying the tingling sensation as the chemicals burned into her skin. Methinks that the employee was stupid for not washing up the cleanser, but the woman was the bigger moron.

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