Monday, May 16, 2005

What's with all the crazy turkeys?

Early last week my dad called up. He was at the farm in Benton Harbor doing some planting and other stuff. I never answer day calls because they tend to be telemarketers so he got the answering machine. So he starts describing how he's being attacked by turkeys. You can hear in the *ding**ding* of the truck so I could tell that he was taking shelter in the cab. Outside I could hear the gobbel, gobbel of the offending bird.

Over the next couple of days, my Uncles Art and Kenny, and Grandma all have encounters with these same two birds. Yesterday, Dad decided to take the camera with him just in case he ran into them again. As you can see, he did. I would have liked to show you the video clip, but I don't know how I would post that. Considering I have dial-up, I probably wouldn't have enough patience to upload it anyways. So the pic will have to do.

The rest of my family seems content to back off from the turkeys. I dunno. If I was there, I'd be chasing them with my hoe. They're just lucky that Thanksgiving is a long ways away. Can you believe that the turkey had been considered to be named the national bird?

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