Out for lunch...

Sara and I during our trip to Cedar Point last year.

Getting over the cold that I must've gotten from Kate, I called Sara last night to see if she was in town yet. She has just graduated from Central Michigan University and has come back to Michianna until she finds a job. All the townies (that I care for) are back together again! She could tell as soon as I got her on the line that I had a cold. In fact it was one of the first things she stated. I'm glad she's looking out for me. This morning, I was still feeling a little scratchy and coughy but I was mostly good. We haven't seen much of each other since we've been separated by school and it was good to see her again. Since I have to get to my job later tonight, we just decided to go to lunch.

She's pretty much in the same boat as I am when it comes to the job. She doesn't have one. I do, but considering it pays less than $12,000/yr, I don't consider that a job by any means. You suck Wal-mart! Anyways, she's applying for a probation officer position at the county courthouse. It's $34,000/yr which is good money for a social worker starting out. Hell, I'm expecting to start out around $28,000 if I get one of the two jobs that I'm currently looking at right now. (Thanks Derek, for the head's up on that.) There's also a position up in Lansing that she wants but she didn't apply because she would not be able to afford living in Lansing. Without even saying anything we were both thinking that if we could do it, we would both go for those capitol area jobs and just get an appartment together. I'm sure my parents wouldn't approve but, hey, that's tough.

Well, I got to get ready for work here in a couple hours. I probably should call in sick but I'm not giving up 8 hours of pay. They may not be getting 100% out of me, but they are going to get something and when unloading freight, they can use any help they can get.


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