Sunday, May 29, 2005

The sun is out and I'm feeling good.

I’m actually in a very good mood today. It’s one of those, I’m glad to be alive days which is a welcomed departure from the last couple of days. Most of the bloggers that I follow seem to have taken the Memorial Day weekend off. They probably have some awesome plans and maybe they will share some of their adventures when they get back on Tuesday (or Wednesday depending on how fun their holiday was.) As for me, I’ve got the holiday off. I’m not sure what I’ll do with it. Maybe we’ll grill something for dinner but other than that, I’m not expecting much of an observance. Since I’ll have the time, maybe I’ll crack open that LSAT guide that is sitting on my dresser. I’m thinking about going to law school but I want to make sure that I am mature and ready to take such a step. If I do this, I will be doing it on my own. No help from family. When I do go through the guide, I want make sure that I can devote the time it needs.

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