Monday, May 30, 2005

Dyson vacuums

Read American Warmonger's article first please.

"...creates one thousand times the force of gravity to spin the dirt out of the air so nothing gets clogged, ever. I just think things should work properly." I can probably repeat that entire Dyson commercial in my sleep and do it with the dead-on accent. One of the things about the commercial was that it never said how you can buy one of these vacuums. To my knowledge, I had never seen one in a big box retailer (you know like Wal-Mart, K-Mart,... N-mart.) That coupled with Jeremy's post, I thought that these things had to be ordered by mail or were sold at real housewares stores. The $400+ price tags are a bit high for the demographic that regularly shops at Wal-Mart. With Wal-Mart actively turning their regular sized stores into Supercenters, they are at the same time, introducing trendier products designed to bring in higher class spenders. Target has used this strategy for quite some time and they are gaining on Wal-Mart. And true to Microsoft fashion, if you can't beat it, buy or steal the idea. So today our store got a shipment of these expensive, but from what I hear, quality, vacuums. $399 if you are interested.

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