Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter (1)

I went to bed last night, looking forward to Easter service. Interesting, since I always feel like I have to drag myself to church. But there are times, when I feel compelled to go and it is always on Easter. Today, though, I am writing in a sort of stupor. You see, my family left me. It’s 9:45 on a Sunday, and they’ve left for the first service. We always-always go to the second service. I had to blink a couple times at my clock to find out that my mother’s shoes were making clatter at 6:45am. My parents and sister were just leaving as I got up. I saw them pull away from the living room curtain.

“What the hell!?” I said aloud. Maybe they would hear.

I had pushed the issue with me deciding not to go to communion anymore. I suspected that, perhaps, my suggestion of going to Notre Dame for Easter Mass probably didn’t go over too well either. So did my suggestion of going to a Catholic church have something to do with it? Maybe there’s something more than that? I don’t know. Things are in such a funk right now.

I’ve decided that I am going to second service. I may be by myself, but this is important to me. I’ll go it alone if I have to.

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