Sunday, March 13, 2005


Communion was held at service today. In our church, communion is given every other week. I’ve decided that I will no longer take communion. It’s a decision that I know will cause my parents and the rest of my family some discomfort. This would be as if I was rejecting my faith, being defiant, living in open sin, yadda yadda. No. The reason is because I no longer believe the church doctrine on couple of subjects. In a way, I suppose that I would be doing the three above, but I don’t feel I am. Don’t get me wrong; I still consider myself a Christian. I’m just not as “Lutheran” as I should be.

For quite a few years now, I have been realizing that my own personal beliefs were at odds with what the church was preaching. In some way, it had to deal with the Trinity. I’m actually quite closer to the Judaic or Islamic view of just one God. Sure, I believe in Jesus Christ but if he is God, then what difference would it be if I prayed to God or if I prayed to Jesus? None. Why do I need an intercessor to God, when that intercessor is God? Sounds redundant to me. In addition, I refuse to accept that God would eternally damn most of the world because they didn’t believe in him correctly. And I aim this at the followers of the Abrahamic religions and particularly to the Christians. I find it incredibly arrogant that my church believes that only the followers of a certain Christian denominations will have salvation. Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses? They are not Christian enough and will burn. Well, I reject that. When I look at a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew, I see a person believes in the same God that I do. They just go about it a different way. God knows that we are nuts in the head, I can’t imagine that he would be such a stickler for a specific way of worship.

In respect for the customs and expectations of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, I will no longer be participating in the Eucharist.


mell ditangco (this is my pseudonym) said...



You know I took a theology class back in college. I almost gave up my Christian beliefs after that class. Part of the class outlined the inconsistencies of the Bible, which caused confusion.

re the holy trinity, as far as I know God the father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one; and are supposed to represent manifistation, His time in earth as a human; Jesus. His state in Heaven, the God the Father. The Holy Spirit the spirit that is in earth.

communion is all about celebrating that Jesus died in the cross for man's sins and His subsequent ressurection.

to me the trinity and the communion are two diff subjects.

David said...

Right. However, there is additional baggage that I reject that "disqualifies" me from participating. In our church, it's an all or nothing deal. Because I can not honestly claim that I endorse and belive everything the church tells me, I can't commune with the members. "Because those who eat and drink our Lord's Body and Blood unworthily do so at their great harm, any who are not yet instructed, in doubt, or who hold a confession differing from that of this congregation and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod [should not recieve the sacrament.]" In the higher sense, I feel as if I can participate, but according to church rules, I can't.

mell ditangco (this is my pseudonym) said...


All I can say about churches is that even Jesus Christ rebuked the San Hidrins (Church Leaders). Jesus in effect was saying that they talk about the laws of the Bible and how it should be strictly adhered to but forget about justice and compassion, which makes their peity misplaced.

Jesus knows what is in your heart... and thats all that matters...

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