I Want Some Visitors!

When I installed the web counter from bravenet, I had hoped to find out that I had at least a few viewers per day. Not so. Since it was activated, I estimate that I have had maybe 10 visitors. Of those 10 visitors, 4 or 5 are probably from bloggers whose blogs I had posted a message on. Thanks for those of you who came to my site though. I appreciate that someone at least glanced at this.

None of my friends have blogs to visit. We’re not exactly tech savvy, except maybe Season who has her own website. So, I just go and search for other people and when I come across a rather interesting and stable site, I usually mark it and then come back to visit. Over the past couple weeks, I have compiled a rather short list of blogs that I happen to visit:

A sexually frustratedd couple with kids.
A stoned out teen in Texas.
A gay guy in San Francisco who has ADD that manifests itself in compulsive picture taking.

A Canadian living in Japan.
A lady in the UK.
A guy in Illinois who teaches 2nd graders.
Two nerds: One in England, the other in Kansas.
A soldier in Iraq named Jake.
Conservative Canadians from London,… Ontario.
A German from Berlin who conveniently writes his posts in English.

I’ve posted a message on most of these people’s blogs. Wave if you recognize yours. I hesitate to provide links because most of these people don’t know who the hell I am and I think it’s kind of… what’s the word… presumptuous? I mean, I can see how it may seem weird that this person, from out of the blue, just starts reading your blog on a regular basis—and then provides a link to it for other people.

While the people in the first list provide some interesting posts, I really appreciate the more normal people in the second list. I like getting glimpses into the worlds of others. These are also regular posters so I see something new every few days.

If anyone wants to link to me, I’m all for it.


LBH said…
I think I know which one I am. I read through your blog, liked it and was going to blogroll you anyway.

And the bit about feeling presumptuous - I was like that when I first got my blogroll but people generally like being linked to and getting comments - if they didn't they shouldn't post publicly! So don't worry about it.

Anyway, keep up with the good blogging - I'll be back :D
David said…
^Well, thanks for dropping by. I'm glad that you like it so far. I'm continuing to visit yours.

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