Daytona 500

My Aunt Julie couldn't join us for lunch today. She had to go home where her husband is probably holding a NASCAR party. If you noticed, I do have a problem calling him my uncle. It's just that I've only given the title of aunt and uncle to people I've actually grown up with. It's kind of difficult to give it to people who have recently married into the family but I do say it when I need to. Anyways, I've never really gotten into the whole racing scene, although I am watching it now as I write. Jeff Gordon is currently in the lead. But hell, I don't know what kind of kick I'm supposed to be getting out of this race. I'm just seeing cars go round and round in a circle with an occasional stop in the pit. Perhaps I've been living in the north too long? Too much of a Yankee? It certainly makes sense, but my Uncle is a Yank as well so that can't explain it.

And that reminds me of something else. I was talking to Lee, my friend from South Korea who again referred to us "Yanks." It positively drives me nuts when I hear foreigners refer to Americans as Yanks. Most of us are not. That's almost as insulting as if I called Lee a South Korean when he is just a Korean. Same thing if I referred to Stuart as English when he's really Scottish. Okay, I'm a Yank. My father's a Yank. But don't you dare call my Uncle Henry a Yank. He's from Arkansas and you'd get a boot up your ass if you ever referred to him as such.


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