Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Election weirdness

Yesterday I wrote congratulatory letters for winners of the local election in Rep. Nitz's district. As I was going through the list, I got a couple surprises.

It turns out that Briana Doyle was elected as a trustee for Galien Township. What the hell? I'm sorry but I can not imagine Briana being elected to public office. Briana? Politics? Believe me, those two words do not belong in the same sentence. Still congrats to her, I guess. It's Galien, the world won't come to an end if she does something wrong. And for the first time, I'm glad my parents live in Weesaw township despite the Galien address.

The other surprise is that my Aunt Julie was elected as a trustee as well but for Berrien Township. I wonder why she didn't tell me that she was running for office. Plus, she never seemed to express interest in politics. I would have thought she would have said something since I'm working at the capitol. She got a little note from me though.

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No Wait at the SOS? Am I dreaming?

I had a delightful yet unexpected experience as my local Secretary of State office. I was going there intending to use the self-service kios...