Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Attracting a Vote

Today, I realized the important of the vote. You think I'm talking about the Presidential election right? Wrong! Now I'm not trying to deminish the importance of that vote. But have we considered the more common votes that actually affect specific aspects of our lives?

A biodiesel bill will be voted on tomorrow. It's final form will then be presented to the House of Represntatives for an eventual vote. My boss asked me to call the committe members' offices in our caucus and ask what the expected votes will be for this bill. It turns that support of the bill is split. As a result someone from our office is going to have to campaign to sway some reps into our camp. I look forward to tomorrow in order to see just how successful he was.

And while I was relaxing this evening, I got a knock from my floor mentor (more comonly known as the RA.) He is a member of RING which is stands for Respecting Individuals on Neutral Ground. RING is a student group mostly focusing on homosexual and transgendered issues but the name was picked to appeal to a more general audience. He and his boyfriend were going around asking people to pledge to vote "no" on Proposal 2. Proposal 2 is the Same Sex Mairraige Ban ammendment. If Michigan voters pass Proposal 2, Same Sex marraiges would not be recognized by this state. Also, any private company or insitution (such as MSU) that offers benifits to same sex couples would find that the state would not support or recongnize those policies. I did sign the pledge... however, i am torn as to what I should do. As a good conservative, i should vote "yes" on Proposal 2, but even before they stopped by I was considering voting "no" on Proposal 2. I still think marraige is a religious institution... but other churches embrace homosexual marraige so already it's permiated that area. If I can't draw the line that keeps it out of religion... how can I keep it out of the secular... where the government benifits are kept?

Like those reps in the biodiesel committee, I don't know where my vote will come down.

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