Saturday, July 07, 2007

Dematerialize the TV Set

I think that I am done with Doctor Who for a while. While Doctor Who ended its season in the UK recently, that same season just premiered here in the US. I got around to watching both “The Rundaway Bride” and “Smith and Jones.” Throughout both, I felt like I was being dragged through the mud. I’ve come to the realization that Doctor Who version 2.0 is too different from the original series and I haven’t been able to bring myself to fully liking it. –“It’s not you, it’s me.”

It wouldn’t be fair to say the show is complete shit. There are plenty of good bits that I’ve enjoyed but there are points that I can’t get over. Mainly, can we get away from Earth? Please, take me away from London and companion families. I want to see alien worlds where they look like humans. How about giving the humans a little more credit instead of magnifying their “capacity for self-deception?”

Maybe I'll check on it later down the road.


Kapitano said...

Doctor Who 2.0 (or New Who) is a strange programme, in that a few episodes are some of the best drama anywhere on TV, and the rest are either painfully dull or just abysmal.

Season 3 has one brilliant episode, called "Blink" - which I recommend you tune in for. As for the rest, "42" is exciting but pointless, and the two-parter "Human Nature"/"Family of Blood" had great potential not realised.

And the rest...well, I've seen them once and never plan on seeing them again. They felt like an insult. I'll record season 4 and watch it when there's nothing better to do.

Judging from discussion groups, me and you aren't the only fans giving up on The Doctor.

David said...

^One of the things that I really wished was that they would have picked up the story line that the Seventh Doctor was dangling in front of us. I am genuinely curious about how Time Lord Society works and I eat up the various clues that suggest that The Doctor is "not just any Time Lord."

I will keep an eye out for your suggestions.

japanesewhispers said...

I'm actually enjoying the new Dr Who. Although I've only seen up to yet not including Runaway Bride

David said...

^Would you want to watch it over the internet?

japanesewhispers said...

I just download it and burn it to DVD ;p

Brian Farrey said...

But I liked Runaway Bride.

David said...

^Brian, I've been wondering if you were coming back.

To be honest, I thought Runaway Bride was one of the cheesiest episodes ever. I will say, though, that I thought that Donna (I think that was her name, wasn't it) would have made a great companion. I could see them clashing which would have been great to see.

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