Anyone can cook, even my sister.

Pixar's new animated movie, Ratatouille is pretty decent. But I won't pretend to be a critic, food or film. Pixar always has been hit or miss with me when it comes to their movies. I liked A Bug's Life and I loved Finding Nemo. Ratatouille ranks in there right below A Bug's Life. But... you don't have to take my word for it. dah duh dah

For those of you living under a rock or on the other side of this third one from the sun, Ratatouille stars this rat that has a gift for the culinary arts. This passion for something so human makes him stand apart from his rat colony. Remy the rat finds himself in Paris and in league with a no-talent "chef" in order to practice his art and save his friend's ass.

To anyone who has seen this movie, did Ian Holm's Skinner seem like a French-Ferengi-hobbit?

I thought that Patton Oswalt was the perfect actor to voice the rat, Remy.

I can't believe that Brad Garrett voiced the dead chef, Gusteau. His voice gets that high?


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