Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The goldfish are over there.

It was a light day today in the back. So I made my way out onto the floor. As usual, I went to paper goods. In some ways I like working the grocery isles bettern than the GM (general merchandise). I find that customers are less pissy over there for some reason. Anyways, I was putting up freight. It was around 11:45 pm and this teen girl walks up with her group of friends.

"Excuse me, where are your goldfish?"

Without looking up from my job, I replied, "They are in the pet department. Down at the other end of the store (pointing), towards the front."

She stutters. "I-i m-meant the crackers."

A light turns on in my head. Goldfish crackers. Do I feel stupid. Of course it makes more sense that she would be in grocery asking for grocery item. "Oh... last isle (points.)" But in my defense, I'm a GM worker. I know that side of the store (other than the grocery chemical and paper goods isle) so when someone asks me about goldfish, I just immediately think of the pet department. Oh well, I hope she's enjoying those disgusting treats.


Edward said...

what on earth is a goldfish cracker?

Anonymous said...

Awww... I like Goldfish :(

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