Erm. That Was Quick...

I've tried to avoid blogging about work but it has been consuming my time and thoughts lately. My transfer back has been approved. I was called earlier this week and gave my verbal acceptance of the "offer". I signed my paperwork on Thursday. Then, I found out my effective date of the transfer is the 5th.

Usually, transfers are planed a minimum of two full weeks out. The reason is that schedules are created that far in advance. Also, the transfer has to take place on a Monday as that is the start of a new pay period. I had steeled myself to tough it out for another three weeks for good measure. So an effective date of the 5th was both relieving and concerning.

It's relieving as I can finally stop stressing over the current job demands. But it's concerning because this is unusual and it makes me wonder if they are throwing me into a project that they might not want to be handling at the moment.  In addition, my schedule hasn't been updated and I'm not sure what hours I will be working past this Sunday. My official schedule still has me on overnights and does not reflect the transfer of position.


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