Saturday Sundae

A cousin of mine invited me and the extend family over to my uncle's house to meet his new wife. Due to COVID, we weren't able to meet earlier. My mom is excited for him as his wife is also a filipina. It's been many years since I last saw my cousin. We don't keep in touch so it was a little weird trying to talk to him. His wife was actually much easier. Perhaps because there are some shared experiences and knowledge. I hope that I didn't make her feel as if she was being interrogated. Before she left, I did suggest that she go see the lake. I don't think people can properly appreciate how vast Lake Michigan is until they step on the beach and see for themselves. 

I have an invitation to go out to Las Vegas and visit. I'm not a fan of the city. I'm not a gambler after all. Visiting after I have started working at a casino, though? Maybe I'll see it with a new perspective. 


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