A Burger and a Job

Today was a good day. Chase and I had made a plans to check out a burger joint about 40 minutes north of us. It's like a road stand burger joint in the middle of nowhere. Yet, I can see why it gets good reviews. Big burgers for the right price. I seriously underestimated the size of these things and looked like a fool trying to get it in my mouth!

I think more importantly, it was good to get out with someone. With my work schedule the way it is, I find it difficult trying to connect with people. Unfortunately, it's about to get worse.

I signed papers for a promotion of sorts. A 10% raise spoke to me. Plus, I had to make a career decision again lest I let myself get stuck again. I have a tendency to find a comfortable place and stick it out. When I started this job, I made decided that I needed to take opportunities when they presented themselves. I can not go through life playing it safe.

This is a needed stepping stone in my career path. It's analogous to MSU's 200 level courses. It'll be tough. It'll suck, but if I get through it, the rewards may be worth it. What I worry now is that I will now be working overnights. Nothing is final, yet, but as the newest person in the position, I'll likely get the unwanted shifts.


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