Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Well Bless My Teeth

My dentist doesn't hide his Christian faith.  Passages from the bible are stenciled on the walls. There is Christian lit available to read in the waiting room and even in the examination rooms. It has never bothered me. If it did, I could go elsewhere but the doctor and his staff are very nice and have always treated me well.  The hygienist I usually see is very talkative and will openly talk about her faith and it is with her that I enter this sort of gray zone.

It's not that I don't appreciate her stories but they always leave me thinking, "thank God she isn't my mother."  We were talking about movies this morning. Well, it was mostly her talking I just mumbled along with a vacuum tube in my mouth. Anyways, she got on to Disney movies and how she didn't want to let her kids watch them because of the demonic imagery. The examples were Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog and the Wicked Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. What annoyed me was that she seemed to assume that I agreed with her. I am willing to bet that the vast majority of parents wouldn't hold such a radical position as she does. It is that insulated bubble that some people exist in that really bothers me and I realize that I've got a bubble of my own. It's just that sometimes after listening to her talk, I have to roll my eyes back and go, "really?"

She's nice, though. I swear. Really.

1 comment:

Kapitano said...

Whenever there's a movement or a group, there's another group who're pretty similar but hate them for being different.

Look here for moderate evangelical fundamentalists talking about how devout evangelical christians hate on other devout evangelical fundamentalists.

As they say, "Mainstream fundamentalism apparently consists of “my church.”"

I've seen atheist groups catfight with other atheist groups over whether atheism necessarily implies humanism. For the record, I think it doesn't.

And as for socialists...I used to follow the arguments of over a dozen groups, before realising they were in total less than a hundred people.

Went back to Windows

See also: "Going back to Windows?" It didn't take me long to pounce on a discount for the Surface Laptop 7. What did I get for...