Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bending the FB Policy

For those of you who are friends with me on facebook, you might have noticed that I made a new friend. Buuut... I'm betting you didn't. Actually, that new person, Dave, is my uncle. Now I have a personal policy regarding facebook. I will not friend my parents or my aunts and uncles. I still treat them as authority figures and there are things on my facebook page that I'd rather them not see. There's nothing bad on my page but it makes me uncomfortable to let them mix in with my other social circles. I made an exception for Dave because 1.) I don't really think of him as my uncle. He's only six years older than me. 2.) He doesn't regularly interact with my parents so I don't have to worry about him saying, "Hey did you see your son..." Finally, 3.) There's really no other way to contact him other than snail mail and... well... it never seems to work out.


Anonymous Female said...

Good policy... and like all good policies, there is a time to bend it.

Estelle said...

I wish I had a policy like this earlier...now I am going to feel like a total bitch for unfriending my mom.

Stacey said...

i totally understand this policy and should have stuck better to it.. i think you are safe though.. i however am not.. i am facebook friends with my mother-in-law...

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