Monday, March 23, 2009

Who wants to sign my cast?

Wow. I think I might be changing my view on nationalized health care because let me tell you, this private insurance that I have is a pain in my big ass. It’s confusing to me as to why the hospital I received surgery at is in-network yet the doctor who performed that surgery is out-of-network. If nationalized health care meant that I can go into a hospital or clinic, get treated, and get out then I would be all over it but I’m not holding my breath on that one. Oh, nationalized health care could happen with President Obama leading the way but the easy part—I’m not holding my breath on that.

I went to my follow up appointment and my leg looks so nasty. They took out the metal bits, made some new x-rays. I got to see the damage and it looks pretty ugly. The lower parts of my tibia and fibula look all splintered going down to my ankle. I also got see the plates and the screws holding them in place. I’m beginning to feel like the bionic man. The session wrapped up with a new cast. The let me pick out a color. I went with green so that I can show some Spartan pride, especially for March Madness.


Kapitano said...

Until this post, I never thought I'd ask for pictures of your naked leg. But now a part of my brain wants to see.

Was pink an option for the colour?

Stacey said...

you really did a number on that leg!! is it true that you were banned from Galaxy or did Kraig just make that up? now that you have needed to use your insurance you understand why our health care system sucks!

Anonymous said...

They are going to love you at airport metal detectors. :-)

Anonymous said...

or Notre Dame;) did you take pic of your leg?

David said...

@Kapitano: Although I had the means and opportunity, I decided not to take a picture of my leg while it was unwrapped. I didn't have the balls to tell the doctor's aide to pose while she plucked out the metal bits or swab me down with iodine.

Pink was an option and it was third down my list after green and white.

@Stacey: It is true. The lady there said that I was "on the list" and banned for 15 years.

The care that I got was great but the charges and convoluted systems of payments is so damn stupid!

@TardisGirl: I'm told that I will get a card for that. Maybe those see-'em-naked machines will be available for me to use the next time I fly.

@Season: The color actually is closer to ND Green than MSU Green. It was the darkest shade I could get.

Anonymous said...

I knew it...your an ND fan at heart.....ahhh just think of all the cute lawyers, doctors and architects....

No Wait at the SOS? Am I dreaming?

I had a delightful yet unexpected experience as my local Secretary of State office. I was going there intending to use the self-service kios...