Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Podcast that I Watch

I came late to the Podcasting party and it has only been in the last few months that I’ve regularly downloaded and listened/watched. I’ve got seven subscriptions but I don’t listen to them all. Of the seven, five of them are news related. There’s ABC, CBS, and BBC World which are regular news feeds. The fourth, CBC’s At Issue also comes with “Rex POV” which I always look forward to. Check it out.

h/t to gypseas for uploading this.


Kapitano said...

I don't know whether all the figures quoted are accurate, but the gist is common knowledge among scientists and political types involved in environmental issues.

Using ethanol or vegetable oil to fuel your car is indeed a pseudogreen (and tokenistic) act. The calls for airflights to be reduced do rather miss the point, and setting carbon targets does indeed punish the poor.

The thing is though, what is the monologue implying? To me it implies that the more idiotic green proposals are representative of all green proposals, and that it's always impossible or counterproductive try to change things.

These things aren't stated, but ISTM they are implied, and that these false implications are the reason for presenting the true facts.

Some people with an axe to grind will tell you anything to get you on their side - even the truth. Or at least, that part of the truth which supports them.

David said...

You and I are on different ends of various spectrums so it doesn’t surprise me that you took something from Rex Murphy’s opinion than I did. From what I’ve seen so far of Mr. Murphy, I think he’s a pragmatist and here he is questioning the “green hype.” The observation is that the things that we are doing to fool ourselves into believing that we are saving the planet is, in reality, doing more harm than good. Ethenol is the main example he gives. It takes more energy to produce it and its production is more harmful to the environment. Was he implying that the efforts to save the planet are idiotic? No. Just that the current ones are. It is creating harm for the sake of appearances or “feeling good.”

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Leave it up to Rex to be brave enough to try and slaughter a sacred cow!

I agree with David, he is not the type that would say "do nothing", more the type of person that says "think" before we take action.

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