Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You won't find much.

I don't like to draw attention to the fact that I, on occasion, monitor my stats. But I like to know how some people find my sight. I tell you, people google some of the weirdest stuff. Well some person got to my site through QuakerJono. Apparently whoever it was did not find what he or she was look for because they did a search within my blog for "gay." I gave it a try myself and there were only three posts that came up. I suppose I should say that no one is going to find much on that topic here. It's not that I'm not willing to talk about it. Rather, I talk about it at the other blog which was created when I was in the closet to everyone except two people. I have given some thought about closing that one down and posting everything on this one, but I like things they way there are for right now.

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