Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Should I do another poll?

Thanks to everyone who participated in my poll. It's by no means scientific, but it looks like real Christmas trees win out over the fake ones.

I participate in Zogby polls that arrive in my Inbox about once a week or so. Yesterday I was asked this question and I felt that it was a terrible question:

For the next question, please consider the following scenario: A child of illegal immigrants is born in the United States and is thereby a citizen of the United States. The parents of that child are arrested and charged with being in the U.S. illegally. What should happen to the parents under those circumstances?
  • The parents should be deported and the child should be placed in foster care here in the U.S.
  • The parents should be deported and forced to take the child with them
  • The child should remain in the U.S. and the parents should be allowed to undergo a naturalization process
  • Not sure
By itself, it wasn't a terrible questions, but there weren't any follow up questions that could flesh out the issue better. So I thought I'd bring it up here.

I chose "The child should remain in the U.S. and the parents should be allowed to undergo a naturalization process."

But while think that while the child should remain in the US, I do think that the parents should have to bear a penalty for breaking the law. Obviously, the government can't remove the child away from his or her parents. That would cause more problems. Also, the government can not abandon one of its own citizens so deportation with the parents is out of the question. Personally, I think the parents should be allowed to apply for permanent residency but they should be forever barred from citizenship.

What I'd like to see happen is a passage of a constitutional amendment that gets rid of jus soli or, at least, modifies it. For the foreigners, the Constitution of the United States in Amendment 14, Section 1 says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States..."* Basically, if you're born in the US, you are automatically given citizenship. This is exploited many illegal immigrants, particularly from Mexico, who will come over the border, have a child, and use that child as their anchor in the US.

My preference would be to keep jus soli as long as at least one parent is a citizen or if both are permanent residents. What do you think?

*Unless you were born in the Philippines from 1898 to 1946 in which case you don't count.


JOHANNES said...

Formerly from Niles, but you are totally safe. lol I left before you were born and just about that time

I am an immigrant myself. Age of 8 1/2 to Michigan.

This will seem harsh. Child goes to foster care. The child is a US citizen. Legal. Had no choice in the matter. Parents are deported. Illegal. The law applies.

To harsh do you think? Your approach is what I see happening all around me. Parents having a US child for the purpose of safety.

David said...

Niles? No kidding?

Honestly, I don't think your idea is too harsh but rather expensive.

I think that getting rid of jus soli would solve the drop kid plans of illegals.

Umm... nice blog you have :D

japanesewhispers said...

Funny that you blogged about this. I just found out the other day that anyone born in the US in automatically a US citizen. Which, I guess, means that my cousin is a US citizen. However, as far as I know he's never actively pursued this by applying for a passport or anything.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

David maybe you should do another poll on whether you should do another poll! ; )


Wayne said...

I say change the constitution. Children born to foreigners are still foreigers.
So with that, I agree with you.

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