Monday, December 17, 2007

Are You There God? It's Me, David.

I'm back from church. The Children's Christmas Service was this evening and I went there with my parents, Grandma, Uncle Kenny, Aunt Julie and her husband Chris. My Aunt's kids were going to be in the service.

Whatever happened to acting out the Christmas story? When I was young, there was a full play done. As the years have gone by, the service gets watered down. This year has to be the worst yet. It was a Power Point presentation. Power Point!

My cousin was pretty cute-- with his picking his boogers and stabbing himself with a fake candle.

My Aunt infuriated me. I was complaining about how watered down this service was. (It was at the point when I discovered that it would be held in the basement.) I made some off hand remark about going to the local Catholic church so that I could see a more traditional play. Of course, the thought of a Lutheran even considering going to a Catholic church is a gasping-for-air moment for some members. She proceeded to give me the Lutherans-are-different speech. And then she said, "I'd rather be this than the religious [people] who think that being gay is okay."

I said, "Being gay is okay."

She responded, "No it's not."

Not wanting to provoke a gay debate in a church with my family members present and Pastor literally one table over, I turned away to try and find something else to focus on.

So tonight really wasn't a good night. I really hoped it would have been. Well... there's still the Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve.


john said...

Oh buddy!
Write me or let's talk again!! Missing you!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

What Catholics is she talking about because they certainly don't think being gay is okay! Sadly I am finished with going to churches.


Kapitano said...

Why do people tolerate their families?

I mean, there's another group of people much better suited to each of us. Called "friends".

But then, why do we tolerate our friends sometimes? They're just as infuriating and easier to walk away from.

Oh well.

Happy Hanukkah ;-).

David said...

@John: Get on and stay on.

@Steven: I don't know what her deal is. I have a feeling that my Uncle Art and his wife have figured me out. (Not that it's terrbily difficult anymore) I wonder if she is trying to back me into a corner. Very dangerous on her part.

@kapitano: Blood is thicker than water. I don't mind strangers and friends knowing--and even some family members. I think I have more to loose with family and like them or not, they tend to be the strongest links people have.

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