Saturday, September 29, 2007

Where do the hobbies end?

My dad, in his retirement, has picked up a number of hobbies. Sometimes they annoy mother and me as we would much rather him fix the basement or paint the house. That's not to say that he doesn't do handy things around the house. I mean, he did fix the washer--for the fourth time. He did order replacement wheels for a vacuum--that sucks (in that it doesn't). And he made sure that you could watch two televisions four different ways because one simple way isn't enough. My dad got a radio operator's license. He's even installed a multistory antennae. Now he just needs to get broadcasting equipment.

Last year he took up beekeeping. His first year turned out to be a bust. This year, though, he netted some results. A bucket of honey from the two hives he started. I guess we're set in the honey department for the next decade or so. (Honey never goes bad.)

Click to enlarge.

After the first round of filtering. It looks sort of like a bucket of ice tea.

When he bought the stuff home, the honey had all this crap in it. It looked like industrial sludge. So here are bits of wax, bees, and who knows what else.

In the end, it is still honey and it is still good. I could actually taste the difference between this honey and the kind we got from the store. I even did a taste test. His had a more subtle flavor to it and was lighter in color. I also thought that it more free flowing but I'm not that sure on that part.


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Yummmm honey! Last year at my parents, we cut down a hollow tree and inside was a honey bee nest, I guess they swarmed over from one of the neighbor's. The honey was amazing, ten times better than any honey I've had from the store!


David said...

How old was the nest? Was there a lot of honey in it?

Once spring rolled around this year, my dad took the old hives that failed and opened them up. I was amazed to see robber bees show up and take the remaining honey away. Those suckers sucked it all up in less than a day.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

I guess the nest would only be about five or six months old as the Canadian winters will kill the bees without help from humans to keep warm. There was quite a lot however, we filled a small pail with wax and honey and a few pots. It was late fall and we did not know how to move and save the bees and so they all died in a few hours from the cold. :(

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