Saturday, July 14, 2007

Oh! That’s what he meant.

Word around the political water cooler brought up the story that Senators John Edwards and Hillary Clinton want to cut out the stragglers and make their debates a more... intimate affair.

From an AP article:
They were caught by Fox News microphones discussing their desire to limit future joint appearances to exclude some lower rivals after a forum in Detroit Thursday.

Edwards says, "We should try to have a more serious and a smaller group."

Clinton agrees, saying, "We've got to cut the number" and "they're not serious." She also says that she thought their campaigns had already tried to limit the debates and say, "We've gotta get back to it."

And then from Brietbart:

Both Edwards and Clinton were asked about the exchange Friday, and offered different explanations.

In New Hampshire, Clinton seemed to lay responsibility on Edwards.

"I think he has some ideas about what he'd like to do," she said, adding she liked participating in the forums.

For his part, Edwards told reporters in Iowa that he wasn't in favor of barring anyone from future gatherings. Rather, he said he wanted to see them separated into two groups of four each, chosen randomly.

"The result would be that we would have a much more serious discussion and people would actually be able to see what the differences are between us," he said.

I don’t see what the problem is. Have some balls and really say what you really mean. I have no problems with you cutting other people out of your debates. We do it all the time to third party candidates when it comes to Presidential elections. Go on, show your true colors and get down to the “debate.”

Video here. (Although I'm not sure how long that link will last.)


QuakerJono said...

Yeah, I caught this and wasn't quite sure what to make of it, either. It makes them both look bad. Edwards is again refusing to take a stance, hoping to play all sides for the most mileage while Hillary is a little too quick to say, "Hey, he said it, not me." You are right, though, it's not like this wasn't going to happen anyway eventually. Kucinich isn't doing himself any favors whining about like a Flavor of Love Girl who got sent home from the party early.

Still, if this self-selection keeps up, the choice next November may be between Huckabee and Richardson and I'd be okay with that.

David said...

^Finally! Someone who knows about Gov. Bill Richardson.

Thanks for coming on over by the way.

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