Sunday, May 06, 2007

On Our Sister Republic

Although I am interested in international relations and politics, I rarely give a strong opinion when it comes to another country's internal policies or their politicians. That is especially true during an election. So I haven't been talking much about the French elections. If I had any French readers, I definitely wouldn't be telling them to vote for Nicolas Sarkozy even if I really wanted them to. As an American citizen, it's not my place to make such a request. Now that the elections in France is over and M. Sarkozy is the President Elect, I think I am free to say a couple things.

The newscasts in America are, unsurprisingly, not focusing much on this election. I'd estimate that the US's 2008 presidential election coverage still has France beat 10 to 1. However, what little is being covered covers two points: 1.) Sarkozy, a conservative, has won the election over a socialist. 2.) This may mean that relations between France and the US may improve.

My reaction to point number one is, "Is he really? Well, that's nice."

My reaction to point number two is a little more skeptical. Despite M. Sarkozy's apparent broad support for the United States, I just don't know what that means. He's on record as being against the Iraq war and is pressing for America to be more involved in combating global warming climate change. Those are the dominating issues between the US and France and we are still on opposing sides. Could this mean a less snippy relationship? Now that, I can believe. As for holding hands and skipping off into the sunset, I don't see it.

I saw that there have been some violence already with demonstrators clashing with police. I don't have any patience for people who resort to violence when they don't get their way in a legitimate election. Act your age, get over it, and work to win the next one.

I must give kudos to the French people. A voter turnout of 85% leaves me breathless. I wish the American electorate would vote in those kinds numbers. I really do.


Moncrief Speaks said...

But the Republicans would never win if Americans voted with those kinds of numbers, hen. Not that I think that's a bad thing, but you might.

David said...

Oh, dream on! :) Even if that were true, it would be an honorable defeat.

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