Saturday, March 31, 2007

My Brain Won't Go

I’ve been dealing with a severe case of blogstipation these past couple days. Although there have been plenty of news stories to comment on, they haven’t caught enough interest for me to do so. I thought that I’d give a hodgepodge post of what’s been happening.

The scary stalkish trip to Panera Bread on the south side proved to be a disappointment. My boss accompanied me so that she could see what this guy looked like so she was probably disappointed as well. Maybe not so much, though. I wish he would post his work schedule.

Laura suggested that I go to Chicago this summer for Pride. I’m thinking about it. There are a few logistical problems that I would have to work out first.

Erin brought a friend from work named Chris into class on Wednesday night. He seems pretty nice and he said that he may come to class again next week. I did have to deduct a point when he gave me that “look” when Erin outed me as a Republican.

I’m going over to the Banana to personally track down Julie, the manager. I purposely try to avoid blogging about work on this blog, but I work for a snake. In this world there are few people I truly hate. Scott, the owner, is one of them. I won’t go into it here, but certain actions are driving me away from my job. I love my new manager, but I don’t want to work in this environment anymore where I would love to jab a pen though someone’s eye. I don’t get paid enough for this crap. So I may stick it out until my one year is up and then I’ll make a full transition to the Banana (assuming I get the job). But hopefully, I’ll find something full time by then.

My previous manager, Tracee, sued Scott. She told me yesterday that he settled.

In a random act of kindness, someone stuck a Spartan S log on my car windshield the other day. Looking at my car, I you can definitely tell that I’m more than just a fan of State. It’s cool that another Spartan left me a little gift.

I’ve been running outside at the River Park. I do so much better outside than I do on the indoor track. At the indoor track, I do eleven laps (1 1/10 mile) before I have to stop and walk. At the River Park, I can bang out 1 ¾ of a mile with no problem. Yesterday I managed 2 miles with only a short walk maybe twenty feet at the one mile turn around and then a stop to stretch out a muscle that was bothering me at the 1 ¾ mark. The rest was—a sort of thing you might call running.

Have you seen the new one dollar coins? Key Bank doesn’t have them so I had pretty much given up on receiving one. Unlike the new quarters, no one uses dollar coins so it’s not like I can hope that I find one in my till. Well, some one did use dollar coins and I managed to snag two of them. Personally, I would want to see the dollar bill replaced with the dollar coin. I’m all for the government trimming costs.

And that’s pretty much it.

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Went back to Windows

See also: "Going back to Windows?" It didn't take me long to pounce on a discount for the Surface Laptop 7. What did I get for...