Monday, October 30, 2006

It is..., It is..., It is purple.

Can cauliflower get any more unappetizing? Yes. Yes, it can.


john said...

I use to like the color purple until I saw that.
Anyway, colored food--even purple seems to be a thing.
One blogger calls himself the purple

Anonymous said...

whoa... what did Dad do? Are they pickled or did he just grow them like that?

Kapitano said...

Would young children like brightly coloured food? Turquoise carrots, bright orange potatos and...purple cauliflowers. Maybe if they glowed in the dark.

I know! Patriotic food! Apples and bananas printed with the stars and stripes. Grapefruits which, when cut in half, reveal an inspirational message inside, like a fortune cookie.

Sound like a business idea?

David said...

@John: Other than grapes, I don't think that there is any purple thing that I find edible.

@Kris: Nope, they're grown like that. They weren't mutated either. Dad says that he got them from the catalogue. I didn't bother to ask why.

@Kapitano: I don't know about turquoise carrots but according to Minge, apparently carrots also come in purple. Bright orange potatoes are all over the place here. They're actually really good. Patriotic food? Already done. Red White and Blue strawberries are kick-ass. As for the message-in-a-fruit, that would be insanely expensive. We'd have to pay, like, European prices for that. Yech.

Brian Farrey said...

Can I get a big glass of eewwww to go with that?

Minge said...

Have you seen purple carrots? They were originally blue, you know.

David said...

^I thought I remembered your post saying that they were purple. Hmmm, I guess I stand corrected.

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