Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Help me out here...

...'cause I'm not getting it.

American in custody kills himself
Article here.

Cambodian police said an American police officer accused of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl killed himself Tuesday while in custody in the capital. Local and U.S. authorities said the death was under investigation.

Donald Rene Ramirez of San Francisco “committed suicide by firing two bullets into his mouth,” said Keo Thea, chief of antihuman trafficking police in Phnom Penh.

Committed suicide by firing two bullets into his mouth.
WTF? I'd like to know more.


Brian Farrey said...

Was he holding two guns, one in each hand, stuck the barrels in his mouth, and pulled both triggers?

Kapitano said...

How does a man in custody get hold of a gun? Or indeed two guns.

Anonymous said...

I think the guard's story involved just one gun. And why would he feel the need to use two guns? One would think a single gun would be enough... except in Fight Club.

Minge said...

The whole thing stinks.

David said...

While I doubt that two guns were involved, I'm sure that it wouldn't have been hard to get access to a firearm. Being in SE Asia, corruption is rampant, and I can envision quite a number of scenarios as to what really happened.

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