Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Walk towards the light.

Lately it seems like my world has been going to hell. With my feet crapping out on me, my job being more trouble than it's worth, my car dying and whole new financial problems presenting themselves, I can see why people are tempted to run away. If I could do it, I'd make a run for Canada.

Tomorrow I will be going in for a typing test and seeing a loan officer. I am praying that I can get this deputy clerk position which would pay a helluva lot more than I'm making now. With any luck, no one else is going for the position. As for the loan officer, I am also hoping that I can come out with a loan-- one that is reasonable at least.

So think good thoughts people. Lord knows I need all the help that I can get.

I don't know if it's the drugs but I'm doing a lot better in walking. So I think I'll cling that ray of hope which indicates my luck may be changing.

1 comment:

Brian Farrey said...

Good luck on the test and with the loan officer. Put on pretty cologne. That'll win the officer over.

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