Saturday, September 02, 2006

Now I've Seen It

When I read something, I have an odd habit of remembering small insignificant details. I could forget the characters, plot, or even the name of the book and yet I will remember this one thing. I remember one of my professors saying something to the effect of, "Details do not belong in a story if it's not relevant." Perhaps I fixate on the mistakes of writers without realizing it.

The other day I was shopping through Meijer picking up food stuff. In the soup section, my eye was stopped by "a distinctive yellow can." I finally saw a can of Habitant pea soup. I was so excited that I took a picture.

So you're probably wondering why I'm going on over a can of soup. Well, it must have been over a year ago when I came across an internet story that talked about it. --I know what some of you are thinking and you can stop right there! It wasn't one of those stories. Anyways, it was something that I always remembered and seeing it in the store brought the whole story back into my conscious memory.

I was tempted to buy it just to try it out. Peas aren't my thing though. Plus, consider:
Will looked at it, thick yellowish-white substance that would talk to him if it weren't eaten quickly.

I passed on it.

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