Sunday, September 10, 2006

Is there a podiatrist reading?

<<--See Also: Where's My Saw? and Ouch! Damn It.

Whatever I did to my left foot has now been done to the right foot. For the first time, my right foot is going all to hell. I'm wondering if I am running wrong and that may be causing it. But if that's true, why didn't this happen when I was running for the Air Force? My Dad said that I might have diabetes but I tend to doubt that as I don't have a problem with my energy levels.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a podiatrist, but I play one on tv...

David said...

^Oh, if you could play a doctor and write me out prescription...

Brian Farrey said...

It's very possible that you're running incorrectly. It could be the way your feet fall, it could be an irregularity in your gait...

As someone who walks funny (and no one bothered to point it out to me until I was in my 20s and couldn't correct it then and now I'm very self-conscious about it) and has had several knee/leg/feet issues as a result, you might want to seek the advice of a trainer, if it continues to be a concern.

I didn't want to slam Ben Affleck over on PJS's blog but I figure it's safe to do so here. The man is flotsam. I say: examine not only his acting career but his erratic behavior as a human being. Ultimately, what kind of person a guy is will sway my opinion more so than a poor performance or two.

Sandra Bullock basically plays Sandra Bullock in all she does but I think she's a good person so I enjoy her. Affleck's an unabashed asshole and I think that needs to figure in the reckoning. I don't see Russell Crowe movies (and he's a GOOD actor) for this reason.

Anonymous said...

B- What is it about his personal behavior you've found so offensive? I just watch the guy's movies, I don't have any idea how much he tips.

P.S.- you could have said that on my blog!

David said...

@Brian: I'd like to see a PT but that can't be covered by my budget (not that I really have one anymore). One of my coworkers is married to some sports education guy. Maybe I can sweetalk a deal or something.

While, I would agree with you on Affleck's character, it's not something that would necessarily keep me from seeing his movies. He just sucks in my opinion. Shakespeare in Love? He was the weakest link. Take this one line in the movie: "He dies?" I grit my teeth every time I hear it or go over it in my head.

I'll watch Russell Crowe movies but then again, other than Gladiator, he hasn't been in any other movies that I was interested in seeing.

Sandra Bullock is hot. I was strongly considering seeing The Lake House solely because she was in it.

@PJS: I won't speak for Brian, but other than living through is grating preformances, I think the guy fellates his own ego. Whenever I see him being interviewed, I get irritated.

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