Saturday, June 10, 2006

Give it another shot?

In the summer of 2002, I was living in Mason Hall up at Michigan State University watching the World Cup at an ungodly hour of the morning. Football (I will try to use the more common term for soccer in this post) isn't a popular sport here in the United States and so it wasn't surprising to find me and the German student living two doors down being the only ones watching. Four in the morning is late--even for summer college students.

The 2002 FIFA World Cup was the first time I sat down to watch a game of football. Well, that's not quite true. I've seen games on TV before but was bored to tears watching people kick a ball around endlessly. This time, however, I got into it and began to look at it more as a strategic game. I actually began to enjoy it so much that I probably woke some people up on my floor a couple times.

Now that the 2006 games are up, I'm not sure if I want to watch it. The games are on in the middle of the day so time definitely wouldn't be a problem. Maybe it's the superstitious side of me, but I know that if I watch--the teams that I root for will fall. It happened every time in 2002. Cheered on the U.S. and then they lost. Cheered on the Germans and then they lost. I dunno... we'll see.

In the mean time-- GO CZECH REPUBLIC! :P

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