May Day

<<--See also: The Immigration Issue

Ahhh! A day without work! If you’re asking—no, I’m not a part of this “Day Without [Illegal] Immigrants” boycott that is going on in the rest of the country. Actually, I made a point to spend money. I figured that I would show my support for illegal workers by eating some Taco Bell. That made absolutely no sense, but for some odd reason I had a craving for burrito. I also bought a little something from Wal-mart which employs thousands of illegals and screws treats them like any other worker.

The boycott has gone largely unnoticed from where I am sitting. Of course, there really isn’t a significant immigrant population here, legal or illegal. From what I’ve seen in the news casts, it looks like it hasn’t been this big event that it was intended to be either. Honestly, it seemed like business as normal. The CBS evening news actually appeared to be scrounging to find instances where this boycott was having an effect. Sorry, but the one day closing of a couple of plants is no skin off my nose especially in industries that I don’t participate in.


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