Monday, March 27, 2006

Waiting By the Phone

I was standing by all day today hoping that the phone would ring. I’m desperately hoping for a second interview for an assistant manager position at candy shop in the mall. I heard that if I was going to be interviewed it would be either tomorrow or Wednesday. I’m biting my nails here. (Not literally… I don’t do that.) It may be retail, but hey—it’s managerial. That’s better than tacking on another associate level job on my resume.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you luck and tell you that the manager there can be a lot of fun to work with (I worked with her at CJ Banks for a couple of weeks.)

No Wait at the SOS? Am I dreaming?

I had a delightful yet unexpected experience as my local Secretary of State office. I was going there intending to use the self-service kios...