We had to see for ourselves.

Last night as Season and I were heading back to Michigan, she mentioned that she had a craving for a fountain drink. It was the perfect excuse to head over to the Citco station. You see, there is a girl there that is supposedly pregnant by one of our friends. This “girl” and “friend” were together in the summer and we found out that they were going to have a kid. At first, “friend” was happy to have a kid but now that he has broken up with “girl,” he claims it can’t be his. Season hadn’t seen “girl” and I was curious to see if she was showing yet. I think it has been over five months now and I figured she should be.

So we stopped at the gas station. At first glance I couldn’t see if anyone was working there. Perhaps “girl” was not there. When we got in though, I saw her sitting down, resting. But she didn’t look pregnant. I tried not to stare. Well… I had to appear that I was there for the fountain drink—not to check her out! So Season and I proceed to get our drinks, trying to glance her way at any opportunity we could. We checked out and got back on the road.

“She didn’t look pregnant.” Season said.

Nope she didn’t. The only indication to me that she might be pregnant was that she was sitting down. That hardly means anything. Maybe she is pregnant and not showing or maybe she got an abortion which wouldn’t surprise us.

It’s a white trash soap opera here!


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