
There's so many attractions in Florida, that you can't do it all in one trip. Disney tries to monopolize your time but you have to try and break free of their grip. The last time we were in Florida, we made trips to Sea World and Cape Canaveral. The time before that, was a trip to Key West. One of our alternative destinations this year was Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure.
Here Kris decides to stick her head into the jaws of... Jaws.

Unfortunately the Hulk was closed. It was going to be our highlight rollercoaster that we were going to get Mom to go on.

Kris and Mom posing infront of a false background.

Universal Studios has balloons that are showned in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC. For the holiday, Universal is featuring them in a parade of their very own.

Kris and I got asked to participate in the parade by being balloon handlers. I wasn't too hot on the idea but Kris wanted to do it. So after her pleading, Mom and Dad's pushing, and a park employee's taunting, I agreed to do it. Red arrows point to me and my sister.

Look at that ass! I look constipated! What a horrible picture. I swear I don't look this bad in real life...

Another must-take group shot.


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